May 04, 2023 2 min read


Be a part of building the world's premier cybersecurity governance and risk management platform from the ground up! Founded and led by a widely-known 25-year cybersecurity industry innovator, Adversarial is building a turnkey platform to enable non-cyber executives to automate cybersecurity governance, strategy, and operations. More than a compliance tool, the platform satisfies the full range of needs from risk and incident tracking to Board-level governance deck production. “Adversarial Shops” (customers) gain the maturity of a world-class security team at a fraction of the investment of time and money, at a time when they cannot afford anything less.

Ideal candidates will love creative problem solving while loving the opportunity to apply that in cybersecurity. We have an in-person office on the Atlanta beltline and appreciate in-person collaboration with regularity.

To apply, send a brief introduction, CV, and/or previous work examples to careers@

Software Engineering Internship/Hourly to Permanent

Location: Atlanta GA
Compensation: $35/hour
Type: Part-time with full-time growth opportunities

We love the internship/hourly process to identify candidates for future full-time engineering roles. It is important to us that a candidate is self-sufficient, creative, and collaborative at the same time. Our engineering team has deep technical know-how, so we will appreciate someone who has a passion for coding that can be demonstrated through a portfolio of personal or professional coding projects. That said, we aren't hung-up on commercial products and truly appreciate demonstration of aptitude and learning via open source and lab implementations of core technological concepts.

We like to evaluate talent through modular projects where a candidate can contribute immediately while collaborating with the others during integration. In our current setup, we have a project around integrating with Slack to pull cyber threat intelligence (CTI) submissions and using an LLM (OpenAI for now) to parse out threat objectives and TTPs from each and load the results into a reference database for additional automated processing. We’d prefer this be implemented in Rust if possible for consistency with our other backend processes, but are open to hearing reasoning for other languages if it is compelling. In addition to integrating with Slack, this project would have to integrate with OpenAI and an internal database directly or via a REST API.

While we have specific projects such as this one that need execution, a large portion of the internship process is dedicated to evaluating talent for long-term permanent positions.

Direct visa sponsorship is not an option at this point and you must be legally able to perform part-time work and not in conflict with any legal, professional, immigration, or University restriction. Work can begin at any time and for pre-agreed lengths of time based on performance. Interest can be expressed via an email with CV, links to any portfolio work, and a summary of your interest to internships at adversarial dot com. This position is not affiliated with Georgia Tech or any official University internship opportunities and is a direct commercial opportunity.

🔒Full Stack Engineer

🔒Frontend Engineer

🔒Backend Engineer

🔒Finance and Accounting Professional

🔒Cloud Engineer

🔒Business Information Security Officer

🔒Head of HR and Administration Professional

🔒Customer Support Professional

🔒Red Team Engineer

🔒Marketing Professional

🔒Legal Professional

🔒AI Engineer

🔒Customer Community Leader